Today, a man of high stature and considerable influence in our nation (at least at one time) passed away. The man, William F. Buckley... the "spirit of conservatism" and friend to such people as Joseph McCarthy, Johnny Carson, Barry Goldwater, & Ronald Reagan. Obviously, not a personal hero of mine but I am sorry for his family all the same. Interestingly enough, my dad was once assigned to him as a personal body guard on the campus of Ripon College (not only where my dad went, but also a young unknown man named Harrrison Ford). My dad said this of Buckley, "he was interesting and very well-spoken, in a creepy and weird way." Maybe there is hope for my dad after all?
i'm sure there is hope for your dad, don't ever give up on you parents. somehow i haven't.
Good advice...I think you have really mellowed in your later years....
dude wanted to legalize weed.
Well, we all have our good traits Matt!
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