Saturday, February 10, 2007

Quarter Century Man

To be completely honest, I guess I have been hiding out for a few years now. Slowly cutting off some friendships (even close ones), not picking up the phone when family calls, and finding meaningless hobbies to waste my time with. Not that I feel the last few years have been a complete waste. I know that some amazing things have happened, but I cannot shake the feeling that I am still hiding out.

And don't get me wrong, I do miss certain friendships... but when you let things go for too long, it is hard to pick up the phone and ask for forgiveness.

Is this what happens when you are a quarter-century old, married, and work all the time? Maybe… but recently I have looked around our house and realized all the stuff I have and ultimately how much I hate it! Time to start cleaning… and looking forward to hosting several yard sales this summer.

Come buy my crap... or better yet, don't!

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