Saturday, February 10, 2007

In the beginning there was blog?

Is anyone else tired of reading blogs where the person is trying so damn hard to be counted in the “smart group”? (from the back of the class, “YES, we are!”) Maybe it is just because I work with people who have a hard time forming sentences. But, seriously when did we all become so self-absorbed when talking to the internet??? Okay, I seem to have lost my cool and over-simplified already.

These issues always seem so intense on blogs, but they are just as annoying in real conversation. Last week I was trapped in a conversation with an old friend who has always been quite the wordsmith, but I think he lost me 5 or 6 times. I believe he talks like most people blog... so I will refer to him as "blog-talker."

I promise to try not to loose you in this. Although, I doubt my intellect is above yours! If anything, I might loose you in a far-flung tangent. For that friend, I apologize!

Oh yes, I write with both run-ons and fragments… so get over it!

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