Saturday, February 10, 2007

The hopelessness of social security

Does anyone really believe that Social Security will make it past the baby-boomers? The twenty and thirty somethings now are paying into a system that cannot financially make it! Yet, no one seems to be doing anything. A choice to opt out for those who wish could be risky, but I believe at least then some of us will have a fighting chance when it comes to retirement (and not in the Blade Runner sense either).

I realize there are many other problems facing our nation and the world, some that are much more pressing currently. But, paying into a plan that will not be around when I need it doesn’t make sense. I recently received a statement from our SS friends, saying that I have put over $10k into their pockets in just my short lifetime!!!

I'm not trying to be selfish, but I am really trying to be a good steward... and every time I get a paycheck I look at the chunk taken out by SS and I think of all the better ways that could be used!


Dustin said...

What's even more interesting is that the government borrows money out of the SS fund in order to pay for other things. They just simply "drop" a Treasury Bill (government code for IOU) into the trust fund. However, since the government doesn't generate revenue, but only gets money through our taxes, who pays back the trust fund? We do!

Damn politicians.

Iwriteyouread said...

Do you think we could get away with IOUs? It would really help to not pay my taxes for a couple of years! Maybe if we could score some Treasury bills? But, I digress.

Dustin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Iwriteyouread said...

Not sure who that is, but if he has a simililar profile then he must be worth talking to. If he is already on here let me know, I am new to this blogging thing and need some friends.

Anonymous said...

Friends are easy to come by in the blogging world. All you have to do is write about something interesting. Like social security. :-)
Personally, I don't mind the government pulling SS funds from my paycheck because I already make too much.
I also don't really plan on retiring. Ever. So I don't think I'll rely on SS when 'my turn' for retirement comes. I tend to think retirement is for lazy people (that's overstated--perhaps I should say people who weren't fortunate enough to work jobs that they really liked). Why not work 'til your body stops working, then die? That's my plan. But I'm in my 20s, so my idealism might wear out in 50 years or so. Who knows?

Iwriteyouread said...

Well said, I have the tendancy to freak out about things (i.e. money) long before it is the correct time to worry. My grandma always said I should have lived through the "great depression." I guess my issue is really paying into a system that is supposed to be there for people (my dad, my in-laws) and the money is used for other budgets. That's not kosher with me.
I wouldn't really call you an "idealist" maybe a "realist". I completely agree with the idea of working until your body stops. I think that would make a good blog itself???
Thanks for the comments, good to meet you!