1. Angel & Spike
What is better than one super-powered vampire with a soul sworn to protect the good and fight evil? Two vampires of the same vein! Plus these guys have tons of experience fighting huge demons and even zombies from time to time. That could come in handy! Although they do have a lot of issues and the in-fighting would get a little crazy.
2. Johnston Green & Robert Hawkins
These two come with experience and leadership. Plus, they are well versed in survival and leading a small town through a post-apocalyptic winter... need I say more?
3. Mal & Jayne
Mal is a natural leader who has fought everything from soldiers to reavers. He is tough in a battle with a good sense of humour. Jayne, well Jayne is a big idiot who is great with large guns... in that way he is kind of like the G.I. Joe "Rock N' Roll." And speaking of joes...
4. Snake Eyes
Snake Eyes is a ninja for Pete's sake! He is tough, and doesn't say a word! He has taken down entire army units by himself... again, need I say more?
5. Doc Holliday or Tom Van Allen/Danny Parker
Sickly or crazy he is still Val Kilmer and tough as shit in these roles. I wouldn't try to outdraw even a dying Doc Holliday and as for Tom Van Allen/Danny Parker... let's just say if you go crazy because you see your wife murdered by dirty cops and start using meth. Well, I wouldn't want to mess with him either!
6. The Boondock Saints
Gripe all you want Swaim... they are awesome! And as the zombie-fighting priest in Dead Alive says, (they) "kick arse for the Lord!"
7. Johnny Cash & Kris Kristofferson
Come on... in real life they were/are both tough as nails. Plus they played (rather poorly, but I'm willing to overlook it) Frank & Jesse James in a movie!
8. Batman
Christian Bale as Batman was pure genius! He is by far... the best Batman EVER! Not to mention awesome in other movies. But I digress... Batman has a lot of fighting skills and doesn't really seem to sleep. Whether it is the ninja Bruce Wayne or the Dark Knight himself... I want him on my team!
9. Sean Connery
The only real James Bond (sorry Daniel Craig, you were great but there is only one Bond). Plus he was pretty tough in The Rock. And in that one dumb movie he said a line that ended in "Dawg."
10. Bruce Willis
He was/is in all those Die Hard movies and I think he proved himself there. But, he went even a step further as David Dunn in Unbreakable. That will always be one of my favorites... so either way he is in! Plus he was in Moonlighting.... what?
11. Joss Whedon
So in case you couldn't already tell... I love Joss Whedon stuff! He is a great writer/director who has created some of my favorite series. I figured if he can do all of that, he would be useful in an end-of-the-world type situation.
12. Tyler Durden
Come on he is crazy out of his mind and he started "fight clubs" all over the country. Plus he blew up credit card companies... he gets my vote!
13. V
Anyone who stands up to a post-apocalyptic London and gets the people thinking again is a friend of mine.
14. Eugene Hutz
Singer for Gogol Bordello... quite possibly the best band EVER! Plus he was in the film Everything is Illuminated and apparently the ladies get very carnal with him... because he is a premium dancer. If this guy believes half of his lyrics about revolution and being a gypsy punk than he is worthy of being on my team.
15. the "God's Hand Killer"
I know it sounds creepy, but hell I would want a guy who is killing demons on my side! Hopefully he wouldn't get into it with the vampires on my crew!
16. M. Knight Shyamalan
I do not care what critics say... they are mostly assholes! He is probably the greatest writer/directer of our time! He is incredibly gifted and intelligent, so I figured he could get me out of some scrapes! I was considering adding Paul Giamatti as well since he is in the picture. But, I couldn't get the scene of him drinking wine out of a spit bucket out of my head. Sorry Paul!
17. Wolverine

Wolverine is the ultimate soldier. To survive any kind of apocalypse you would need him, he is a given!
18. Mark
Don't under-estimate him because he looks nice and is holding a chinchilla. This guy is my right hand man in case zombies attack. He is big, quiet, tough, and a bonafide hero (currently an EMT, training to be a firefighter). Ladies, the line forms on the left!
19. Keith
Sure he looks like a nice, family man... but he is tough as shit! He was raised by wolves... not really, but pretty close. He is stealthy and handy with a car or in the kitchen. Plus, he tells the best stories and is in my top five friends to drink with. If you don't know him you should! Just don't ask him about his mom...
20. Will Ferrell
Okay honestly I just wanted an excuse to post this picture... awesome!
21. My four other favorite friends to drink with:
Dan C., Matt S., Dustin H., & Jon C.
Sorry guys I have no good pics of you... but I have always included you in my post-apocalyptic planning. You should all know that by now!
hey, i'm not on that list...
you need someone to... uh... uh... uh... nevermind...
I stand corrected... even after an apocalypse we would still need a music critic. Plus, as you get older and turn gray you and Kristofferson could be interchangable! My bad!
I'm glad to see I made the drinking list. But, get enough drinks in me, my non-violent tendencies may go by the wayside and I could turn into one bad-ass motherfucker!
Or not :)
Well said friend! That's why I am always trying to get you to drink more!
haha i never thought of that.
thanks. :)
Man... I totally didn't even consider Jayne as Rock and Roll. Perfect.
you should take me off your list because I'm sure I'll be in prison for beating down the first little kid I see wearing my clothes in Northside.
Very nice post. I like reading better when there are pictures. :P
We need to hang out and drink soon, duder. It's been too long.
I agree Miss Amy! We should get together this weekend... there are always Boddington's in our fridge! It's like a summertime Guinness!
bodington's is a girly guiness. summertime my ass... =-)
YOU ARE A GIRLY GUINNESS! And why is summertime in your ass? what?
sorry bro, i owe you a call, and a beer!
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