Tuesday, June 19, 2007

High-Five Deprive!

This story is for Mr. Matt Swaim, who often inspires me to write and laugh.

Today, MSN reported that Kilmer Middle School in Vienna, Virginia inacted a strict "no contact" policy. That means the acts of hugging, hand-holding, and even high-fives can get students sent to the principal's office. The Fairfax County school has adopted this policy because apparently they have seen pokes lead to fights, gang signs in the form of handshakes, or embarrassed girls stuck in hugs.

A little excessive I think... but then again Junior highers need a lot of boundaries thrust upon them.


Timothy "Treebeard" Adams said...

bob jones middle school

Anonymous said...

while i still hold strong to the idea that anyone not raised in america is a lower class of person, the fact that a school would inforce such a rule makes me question where we are heading.

- justin dunn

Dustin said...

So, I would assume teachers patting students on the bottom would be out of the question...?

Maybe this will cut down on student abuse...or just lead more and more kids into the bathrooms for the physical touch they desire.

Oh, and sorry about the email. I was just really frustrated and needed to vent to someone who would understand. Sometimes this environment is unbearable.

Anonymous said...

I totally buy into the gang sign thing. The 'high five deprive' was the official posse code of Fort The Tower.

Timothy "Treebeard" Adams said...

they're just dressing up the word "secret handshake"...

Dustin said...

Hey! Start posting again...or else I'll have to come down there and give you "what for!"

Timothy "Treebeard" Adams said...


jeremiah.maloney said...

i really miss jimmy and charissa. bad.. i'm mean really bad... like my heart is really sad.. so sad i thought i post on his blog and be really pathetic. i love you guyz.