Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Patriot or Not?

I recently came across a quote that used to bring me hope, thought I would share:

"In a republic who is 'the country'? Is it the government who is for the moment in the saddle? Why, the government is merely a temporary servant; it cannot be its prerogative to determine what is right and what is wrong, and decide who is a patriot and who isn't. It's function is to obey orders, not to originate them. Who then is the country? Is it the newspaper? Is it the Pulpit? Why, these are mere parts of the country, not the whole of it; they have not command, they have only their little share in the command. In a monarchy, the King and his family are the country; in a republic, it is the common voice of the people. Each of you, for himself, by himself, and on his own responsibility, must speak. It is a solemn and weighty responsibility, and not lightly to be flung aside at the bullying of Pulpit, Press, Government, or the empty catchphrases of politicians. Each must for himself alone decide what is right and what is wrong, and which course is patriotic and which isn't. You cannot shirk this and be a man. To decide it against your convictions is to be an unqualified and inexcusable traitor, both to yourself and to your country. Let men label you as they may. If you alone of all the nation shall decide one way, and that way be the right way according to your convictions of the right, you have done your duty by yourself and by your country. Hold up your head. You have nothing to be ashamed of."

-Samuel Clemens


Dustin said...

Too bad most people are too lazy to think for themselves, and would rather have the "government" do it for them.

Thought provoking quote.

Oh, and on a side note, have you ever heard of Adbusters magazine. I ran across it when I was in a Borders bookstore recently. I just finished reading through it, and it's very interesting. While I didn't agree with everything in it, I think much of their thought process would be right up your alley. I would be interested to hear whether you've heard of it or not. Maybe drop me an email. You can check out their website at www.adbusters.org.

Dustin said...

How about a new post? :) I'm eager to read the thoughts of my good friend.