Saturday, February 24, 2007

Planet of the Apes was Right!

So, Yesterday I heard this amazingly scary report about evolving chimps. Apparently some West African Chimpanzees are sharpening sticks and stabbing smaller monkeyes! The smaller primates have always been a source of food for chimps, but now they are being stabbed to death. The report said that chimps are using sticks and sharpening them with their teeth, but the tool making can take up to five steps. If you don't believe me, go to and look it up yourself!

To all the humans, start killing these damn things before they start killing/eating us. You knew this was coming from all those informative movies in the 1970's.

To nicer primates, I am sorry but I can't tell the difference between you & them. If you see me coming, run... that is your only warning!

To the chimps, well you have finally started to catch up! A little late don't you think? Bring it on, I am just itching to fight you!

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