Friday, March 28, 2008

Best Book I have Read in Awhile...

So, most of you would be surprised to know that I read a lot... but I do. Although recently I have taken a break from my usual reading diet of comics, classics, and the occasional "leftist" theology books to read something awesome!

"The Monster Spotter's Guide to North America" by Scott Francis. Not only is this book hilarious and well written, but also it turns out this guy is from the Cincinnati area. It has information on specific monsters, case studies, and some of the best reasoning for why someone should actually partake in this hobby. Please check this book out, it is great!

Hate to Say I Told You So...

But, I did!

And actually, I don't hate saying that at all! WAL-MART Sucks! Check out the latest news on one of our country's largest (corporate) disasters...

Look-up "Wal-Mart sues disabled ex-employee for $470,000".

My heart goes out to the woman and her family, but I am kind of glad they did this... anything that makes them look bad is okay with me. They do this shit all the time, just people aren't usually watching.

So, keep it up Wal-Mart... keep making a bigger ass out of yourself and then maybe the public will finally notice.