Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Living In a Me Centered World

Everyone is a victim these days… from simple peer pressure to the all too famous phrase, “the devil made me do it.” It seems no one is to blame for his or her own actions. Kids take weapons to school and violent video games & movies are to blame. People mess up their lives, and they blame their parents. A couple gets a divorce and they blame each other, but no one takes any responsibility.

Now don’t get me wrong, there are several atrocities in the world and what hardships a person goes through will always be with them at some level. But it is fascinating (in a horrible way) how we have become a society were people do not have to be held accountable, or even admit they were wrong. All they really have to do is pass the buck! In my line of work I see a lot of people who take advantage of the system. To me, when that many people are floating by doing nothing and living off my damn tax dollars… that means the system is broken! Just a thought…


Dustin said...

I don't know. I agree that personal responsibility is something that is often left by the wayside for the blame others mentality. However, I do also believe that personal choices are not always the fault of failed personal responsibility, but rather pre-conditioned responses to environmental influences. For instance, I do not find it hard to assume that an individual living in poverty, with no other role models than criminals and thugs, will have a response to their poverty which involves criminal activity.

I don't know what the answer is, but I do get weary of hearing people place all of society's ills at the feet of personal responsibility. (Oh, and know that I am not referring to you when I say this; more my "conservative" friends who believe that everyone's homelessness is due to bad choices only.) Maybe we should wake up and realize we create some of these problems simply by being involved in the system we have created.

Interesting post, my friend!

Iwriteyouread said...

Who is the whiny liberal now Dustin? I kid, I kid!

You are right, there is a lot more to it than just owning up to your responsibilites. I guess what I see (and detest) are those who are able bodied (& minded) yet they do nothing!

Not all things in life are choice based as the right wingers would lead us to believe. Sometimes, we just get a bad or less helpful hand.
Cheers Bro!