Thursday, May 3, 2007

Things I Should Have Done A Long Time Ago

I put things off... a lot! If you know me outside of this blog you know that I am a great procrastinator... Why take out the trash? I can just smash it down more! Why complete my paperwork ahead of time? I'll just do it the night before it is due! These are the more mild of my offenses... there are some things I have been putting off for a very long time. The biggest of these is seeking out certain people I once called friend and apologizing to them. You see, after getting married, graduating a college I disliked, moving a few times, and switching jobs once or twice... I just stopped trying.

Sometimes people just float apart... and that is true. But it is easier to float apart if one (or both) of them are just not trying. I guess that I just got fed up with things... tired of attitudes, tired of failing, and tired of being the go to guy. There was once a time in my life where I was the king of networking. Seriously! I knew a lot of people and I was a born promoter... Friends, bands, pastors, even college professors came to me and asked me for favors and somehow I pulled these favors off! Looking back, I know that I kind of winged it on a lot of stuff... and although the smarter people knew that and still didn't mind, I often wonder how I got myself into some of those situations... and more importantly, how I got out!

The thing is, after awhile I got sick of being the go-to guy and I shut down on everyone. I have been in a year of self-imposed seclusion because I just couldn't deal with friends, the church, or really anything anymore. I have kept limited communication with some friends, but there are others (even ones who never asked me for a thing) that I just cut off. Well, I am trying to change... I really do miss everybody and I have started to make my apologies. Except to those who always just kept me around for favors... that might take awhile. We will see.


Dustin said...

I pray that God is with you as you begin this long journey. Know that there are friends out there ready to share time, thoughts and other things with you if ever needed.

Iwriteyouread said...

Thanks bro... you know I eventually share most of my ideas (even the bad ones) with you. I'll need your prayer as I try to mend some relationships!

Anonymous said...

Dude, foreget all the apologizing and stuff, skip all that. what you need to do is just pay reparations to everyone you wronged. aparantly black folks think its sufficient.

-justin d

Iwriteyouread said...

oh great... so now you are saying I owe Phil money? If I went that route I would end up taking out more loans and I already have enough of those from college. Thanks Justin, but I think I'll stick with the slow going apologies!