Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Cracked Windshields & Dead Preachers

This morning I went out to my car and there was a massive crack in the windshield. I was pissed! I just don't want to deal with crap like this... The crack went from the top, down about 9 inches and then took a detour left for another 7 or 8 inches. The weird thing was that the crack was not on either side of the glass! It could not be felt inside or out, but was there anyway. My friend Keith knows a lot about cars and had no idea what was going on with my crazy windshield! AHHH! I hope it does not shatter on me.

This morning a man I would have called enemy a few years ago passed away. Jerry Falwell the leader of the moral majority and the man who embodies everything that I think is screwed up in the Church was found collapsed in his office. I have no joy in hearing that this man has passed on... and today I heard a lot of people (conservative & liberal alike) say that "at least he always stood up for what he believed in." I pray that I am remembered that way someday.

I could talk all day about how almost everything this man said was (in my view) completely wrong and how attitudes like his are the "anti-Christ." And as misdirected as I believe he was, he is gone now... and what he said is between him and God. I guess the only thing left to do is prove him wrong in a manner of speaking. Try to spend time with those who his moral majority deemed "unworthy" of God's love. Maybe extend the branches of the Church out of white, middle to upper class, suburbs. I must be getting old or something!

Anyway, I would like to extend my condolences to his family on many levels. And I will not hold it against his ghost for cracking my windshield! I guess I deserve that one for all the mouthing off I have done over the years...


Anonymous said...

If I were Jerry Falwell, and dead, your windshield would be the first one I poltergeisted.

emmaus outreach said...

he is too busy haunting homosexuals to screw with your car.

Dustin said...

he is too busy haunting homosexuals to screw with your car.

I think he did enough of that while he was living :)

Iwriteyouread said...

I don't know... I heard a story about the religious right today on npr. apparently there are a lot of up and coming extreme right wingers to fill his place. plus, I am pretty sure it was him... I mean how else do you explain it?

jeremiah.maloney said...

i tried to be enlightened about this man's death, i couldn't so i just stayed silent. I'm not happy that another human is dead, he is human after all just barely, that said... The guy was an ass... and although most people I have a place for in this world, him I did not.

oh yeh and dustin I think you got it backwards I think he was too busy screwing homosexuals to be haunting your car.

Anonymous said...

I found you.

Iwriteyouread said...

Jeremiah, I know what you mean... he was the type of guy who made guys like us not want to be part of it all. But, what I am trying to express is... for some unknown reason his death really effected me. Weird, I know... but it was almost like the death of an old foe that I respected. Except he didn't know I exist & I can't say I really respected him that much! Whatever!

Amy... as the wonderful Lewis Black said, "Welcome to the conversation."