Sunday, April 15, 2007

And I Thought Wal-mart Was Bad!

The plight of the coffee farmer is not a new story, but after seeing a provocative and disturbing documentary on the coffee farmers of Ethiopia… I am utterly disgusted. The film centered on a co-operative of farmers who were simply trying to get a fair wage for what they grew. What they get now for an entire bag of coffee beans is around $0.11 per bag. What they are asking for is a mere $0.50 per bag to buy their children clothes, food, clean water, & hopefully an education. More interestingly, the area of Ethiopia that grows the coffee beans for Starbucks has had to set up two large emergency medical and food shelters with various organizations that hold about 200 children each. This area, once considered a vibrant part of the country is now starving to death due to the unfair and sub-standard wage they get for all their hard work.

Now those who know me know that I have been more than harsh toward the way Wal-mart is screwing up our country and many others. And, if you really know me you know that I am no fan of Starbuck’s coffee… but this is appalling! I would never “call” for a boycott of anything because I think people need to make up their own minds about things. But, I will say this: Starbucks, you have now joined the ranks of Wal-mart in my view, and believe me that is not a good place to be. You will never again have my business even by accident. I don’t care if I am out of our normal fair-trade coffee at home and have the worst lack of caffeine headache ever!

If you think I am over-reacting here are a few films for you to watch. “Black Gold” which is what I have been discussing and while you are at it, pick up the one on Wal-mart called “The High Cost of Low Prices.” Once you have watched these two films, then try to consider even spending another dollar at either place!


Dustin said...

You are such an anti-capitalist sell out!!

(Said with all the love in the world)


Iwriteyouread said...

Whatever hippie! Okay, you are not really a hippie... but you are dangerously close to that road!