Tuesday, May 20, 2008

This Day in History!

On May 20, 1527, Roman Catholic authorities executed Michael Sattler. King Ferdinand declared drowning (called the third baptism) "the best antidote to Anabaptism". It has been said that a "16th century man who did not drink to excess, curse, or abuse his workmen or family could be suspected of being an Anabaptist and thus persecuted." Thousands died in Europe in the sixteenth century. The Tudor regime, even those that were Protestant (Edward VI and Elizabeth I) persecuted Anabaptists as they were deemed too radical and therefore a danger to religious stability. The persecution of Anabaptists was condoned by ancient laws of Theodosius and Justinian that were passed against the Donatists which decreed the death penalty for any who practiced rebaptism.

This day that year, Sattler was arrested by Roman Catholic authorities, along with his wife and several other Anabaptists. He was tried and sentenced to be executed as a heretic. As part of his execution, his tongue was cut out, and red hot tongs were used to tear two pieces of flesh from his body. He was then taken outside the city by wagon, and the tongs were used on him five more times. After that, he was burned at the stake. The other men in the group were executed by sword, and the women, including Margaretha (his wife), were executed by drowning.

Honorable Mention for this day...
325- The 1st Council of Nicaea was held.
1609- Shakespeare's Sonnets are first published in London, by the publisher Thomas Thorpe. (I did not know that he is that old! I used to live with the guy.)
1861- The state of Kentucky proclaims its neutrality in The American Civil War, which lasted until September 3 when Confederate forces entered the state.
1873- Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis receive a U.S. patent for blue jeans with copper rivets.
1902- Cuba gains independence from the United States.
1916- The Saturday Evening Post publishes its first cover with a Norman Rockwell painting.
1972- Busta Rhymes was born.
1983- First publications of the discovery of the HIV virus that causes AIDS in the journal Science by Luc Montagnier and Robert Gallo individually.
1989- Gilda Radner died.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

In Honor of Our Trip & Hopeful New Home

In a few weeks my wife, our good friend, and me will be making our way out to the beautiful state of Colorado. We have been there a few times in the past and it is by far one of the best places I have ever been. We have had a plan for several years to move out West somewhere and in the last few years we have decided on Colorado. This trip will be for scouting out the areas we already like, so that we can start making plans for our move in a little less than 2 years.

Therefore, I would like to share a list of laws in Colorado that do not make a lot of sense... or are just funny.

1. In Durango: It is illegal to go in public dressed in clothes "unbecoming" on one's sex.
2. In Denver: It is unlawful to lend your vacuum cleaner to your next door neighbor.
3. In Colorado Springs: It is permissible to wear a holstered six-gun within city limits, except on Sunday, Election Day, or holidays. (I will totally take advantage of this one!)
4. In Sterling: Cats may not run loose without having been fit with a taillight.
5. In Pueblo: It is against the law to raise or permit a dandelion to grow within the city limits.
6. In Logan County: It is illegal for a man to kiss a woman while she is asleep.
7. In Crippe Creek: It is illegal to bring your horse or pack mule above the ground floor of any building.
8. In Denver: It is illegal for Barber's to give massages to nude customers unless it is for instructional purposes.
9. Also in Denver: It is illegal to mistreat rats.

State Law says:
1. Car dealers may not show cars on a Sunday.
2. No alcohol beverage can be stored in hotel minibars in anything larger than miniature containers.
3. It is legal to remove the furniture tags that say, "Do Not Remove Under Penalty of Law."
4. It is illegal for a woman wearing a red dress to be out on the streets after 7 PM.
5. It is illegal to ride a horse while under the influence.
6. It is illegal for liquor stores to sell food or grocery stores to sell any alcohol except beer that is at most 3.2% alcohol.

I just thought you would like to know...