Sunday, April 15, 2007

And I Thought Wal-mart Was Bad!

The plight of the coffee farmer is not a new story, but after seeing a provocative and disturbing documentary on the coffee farmers of Ethiopia… I am utterly disgusted. The film centered on a co-operative of farmers who were simply trying to get a fair wage for what they grew. What they get now for an entire bag of coffee beans is around $0.11 per bag. What they are asking for is a mere $0.50 per bag to buy their children clothes, food, clean water, & hopefully an education. More interestingly, the area of Ethiopia that grows the coffee beans for Starbucks has had to set up two large emergency medical and food shelters with various organizations that hold about 200 children each. This area, once considered a vibrant part of the country is now starving to death due to the unfair and sub-standard wage they get for all their hard work.

Now those who know me know that I have been more than harsh toward the way Wal-mart is screwing up our country and many others. And, if you really know me you know that I am no fan of Starbuck’s coffee… but this is appalling! I would never “call” for a boycott of anything because I think people need to make up their own minds about things. But, I will say this: Starbucks, you have now joined the ranks of Wal-mart in my view, and believe me that is not a good place to be. You will never again have my business even by accident. I don’t care if I am out of our normal fair-trade coffee at home and have the worst lack of caffeine headache ever!

If you think I am over-reacting here are a few films for you to watch. “Black Gold” which is what I have been discussing and while you are at it, pick up the one on Wal-mart called “The High Cost of Low Prices.” Once you have watched these two films, then try to consider even spending another dollar at either place!

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Bar Fight with Brian McClaren

Okay, so I really do not want to fight the man... just the idea of the "Emergent Church." This has become the target of everything I have problems with in the Church. Although I agree with the missional ideas of this movement it is just that, a movement. The modern Church (specifically in the U.S.) has become obsessed with the idea of movements to solve problems. And while they may create new outlets and ease some tensions for a short time, they never quite solve anything! In fact, a lot of the time they make things worse.

Think back through history about different movements that have sprung up to fight a cause. A lot of people jumped on the bandwagon in the 1950's & 1960's to move out to the suburbs. Now look at our cities... In reaction to that, another movement of recent years is the "Urban Renewal" program. Although this may sound like a good idea, it is in reality the displacement of the poor so that rich, white families feel safe and can also feel good about "cleaning up a neighborhood." In the music scene you have the mess of "Straight-edge" kids who take things too far now. A movement that started in reaction to drug/alcohol abuse, stds, etc. has now become somewhat of a gang in many cities that hinges on violence. Or, how about "Hippies"... yeah, don't even get me started on how ridiculous they are!

What I am saying is why does the Church think it is really any different? I have watched so many "postmodern" or "emergent" ministries and churches start for good reasons... but then crumble when they realize they have ignored the basics of ministry. (i.e. caring for the poor, the elderly, widows & orphans, teaching, etc.) Furthermore, as this movement seems to be winding down in several places new ideas that are purely a reaction have started to organize into a... you guessed it, MOVEMENT! When will it end? When I started looking up other articles and blogs about this I kept finding people who had great new ideas on how to steer the Church away from it's current path. Some even had steps & examples of how to do it, hmmmm sounds like a new movement to me! Does no one else see this?

What I am trying to say is this: If (and I do mean if) the Church is to survive in the next 25 years, it will not be a movement that pulls it out of the water! I believe the Church will always be here in some form, but if you haven't noticed... it seems to be fading quickly. I am not going to give my ideas on how to redeem what we still can because obviously if it caught on it would be a... well you know!

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Political Bull Shit

I apologize ahead of time for the less than stunning title. My brain has been afflicted lately with politics and I fear they are getting the best of me. As we grow closer to next year’s presidential election it seems the country will become even more divided. The many issues that face this nation (and the world) will be in debate and the mud-slinging & liable will begin. Although this may seem like an entertaining time, I am never amused by the unrelenting coverage of the media and how the public eats it up. In the end, it seems most Americans vote for the “lesser of two evils” or at least cast their vote in against the “other guy” and pick a president no one wants. No one that is, except the extremists from the far left or far right. Ah yes, the great debates over gay rights, abortion, illegal aliens, the war in terror, health care and even gun control will be had soon… and then quickly pushed aside to make time for whatever issues are plaguing the newly elected president’s lobbyist friends.

We have all heard of lobbyists and the wonderful mess their money and politician’s greed makes. It is fascinating to me that an official elected by the people can spend most of their time helping their rich buddies. Furthermore, it seems insane that there is not more of an uproar from the people about this… But then again presidential elections have nothing to do with reality TV, so why should anyone care?

I have in the past thought that presidential elections were a waste of time. I have only been able to vote in two elections and only voted in the first one…. (ah, Ralph Nader… Why did I waste my vote on you?). I have preached the word of Anti-Politicalness for quite some time. But no matter what you may have heard from my family, people can grow up. Despite my distrust of all politicians, I am officially announcing my candidacy for potential voter! Attention Political Scumbags: Now is your chance to impress me… so get to it! After I have gathered enough information on the major presidential candidates, I will post again on why they are all stupid.