Okay, I decided to do the second part of this a little differently... what can i say? The game changes the more desperate our situation gets. Forbes magazine published their list of the 100 wealthiest celebrities back in June. Maybe a good way to start paying off this atrocious national debt would be to ask each and every one of these famous people to give up their entire earnings for one year. I know that sounds outlandish, but think about it... I am sure all of these people have some savings that they could fall back on. And although each one of these people probably has a small army of assistants and bodyguards that depend on them for income, I'm sure they could dig in their deep pockets and help bail us out. Even those on this list who are not American citizens probably make most of their money here.
Total income for these celebs (from number 1 Oprah to number 100 Barack Obama)= $4,110,000,000.00
All I am saying is this: If every one of these people put in their yearly incomes just once it could put a nice little dent in the national deficit. It may not be a lot in the long-run, but I am sure there are many other celebrities that could help out. Besides, wouldn't that make them more money in the long run? If we get this debt paid down we can go see more of their movies, read more of their books, and listen to more of their music.
Just a thought... you decide.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
3 Newer Albums You Should be Listening to...

1. Okay Lindon- "Everything in Moderation"
I have been a fan of Dustin Smith since the days of his old band Goodwen, back in 2004. This new album not only stretches his voice, but shows off his amazing arrangement ability. Not to mention the incredibly talented musicians he surrounds himself with. I have no category for this album... and I'm sure Dustin would appreciate that. It's just good music. Pick it up. Favorite Track: Stronger Bones

2. Alexander the Great- "Faces Change"
This album is exciting! Every song seems to be building towards something huge... it makes me remember why I love going to shows and collecting cds. (yes, i guess that is old-fashioned now). I have not seen these guys live yet, but I hope to soon. I imagine their shows being very high-energy, and I imagine leaving that show very tired. I can't wait. They are yet another great band on the Crossroads of America record label out of Indiana. Favorite Track: Don't You Forget It

3. Husband & Wife- "Dark Dark Woods"
Speaking of Crossroads of America Records, the band who makes it all happen (the label being their baby) put out a new album earlier this year. Fantastic album and great live performers to boot. Their songs go from hauntingly stripped down to technically built-up. Overall this is a very laid back and relaxing album; but has it's catchy, upbeat moments.
Favorite Track: I Got Fat
Pick these albums up...
interesting things,
new music,
stop the press
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Maybe at the State Level?
So out of this massive stimulus package, the great state of Ohio is receiving $7.9 Billion. Instead of wasting this money on projects that may or may not get completed, maybe we could put it to good use. I would like to see the hardworking people of Ohio (no matter how much they work or make) receive this money directly.
It is the same formula as before:
There are an estimated 11,353,140 citizens living in Ohio.
- 2,838,285 people under 18
-1,419,143 people completely relying on the government/not working at all
-58,000 in a state prison
= 7,037,712 people left!
Now divide the $7.9 Billion by that number, and you get $1,122.52 each person. If we could each get $1,100 of that, the state government could use the remaining $158,510,387 for programs and job development!
Furthermore, if this money was not distributed in cash... say a kind of voucher good at any store in the state; this money would go directly into saving some of our failing stores. Think about that much money going directly into the economy. The state could even set parameters that say if these vouchers are not used within 6 months than the state will claim them.
It is the same formula as before:
There are an estimated 11,353,140 citizens living in Ohio.
- 2,838,285 people under 18
-1,419,143 people completely relying on the government/not working at all
-58,000 in a state prison
= 7,037,712 people left!
Now divide the $7.9 Billion by that number, and you get $1,122.52 each person. If we could each get $1,100 of that, the state government could use the remaining $158,510,387 for programs and job development!
Furthermore, if this money was not distributed in cash... say a kind of voucher good at any store in the state; this money would go directly into saving some of our failing stores. Think about that much money going directly into the economy. The state could even set parameters that say if these vouchers are not used within 6 months than the state will claim them.
state of the ohio,
stop the press
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Economic Crisis... Look to the Stars.
So a lot of people are starting to worry about this gigantic stimulus package. Not just about when it will start working, but how are we going to pay for it. The short answer is future tax increases. This means that later in life you or the next generation will have to deal with this. It's almost like the government is handing us a giant credit card and saying "don't worry you can pay this off later... with interest." But what if we could pay it off now?
Here is a great way how... It's time to use our one remaining resource. Many notable (& wealthy) celebrities supported the ideas of hope and change during the campaign of our new leader. Now they can put their money (or rather the money we pay them) where their mouths are! While we are at it, let's start at the top!
J.K. Rowling- although she is a Brit, she has made a large portion of her money from Americans kids... and unfortunately some adults. She tops the list at a massive $300 Million a year! Maybe she could take less than half of that (a meager $140 Million) and donate to our cause...?
Oprah- although J.K. Rowling does make more than her, she is at the top of the American list with a wopping $275 Million a year. I'm sure she could donate some to the cause of her favorite politician... let's say $125 Million?
50 Cent- he has come a long way and would improve his image even more by bailing out the economy. He rakes in about $150 Million each year, maybe he could donate $45 Million to the cause? Think of all the publicity, think of all the little white suburban kids who will love you even more!
Jerry Bruckheimer- the famous producer of big-budget movies and tv crime dramas pulls down about $145 Million a year. I'm sure he could donate $40 Million and maybe he could get the movie rights?
Steven Spielberg- even though the latest Indiana Jones movie was pretty awful, the man still makes about $130 Million each year. Think of the blockbuster that he and Bruckheimer could make if they teamed up... "Economic Meltdown" the movie. We'll take $30 Million from him.
Tyler Perry- this guy makes about $125 Million a year from movies and television. That's enough to make me dress up like an old lady and try to act as well. I think even Madea could part with $25 Million to help us all out.
Tiger Woods- come on! You hit a little ball in a hole with a stick and still make over $115 Million a year! He could probably part with $15 Million of that to help us all out.
The Police- okay we all know that Sting has got to be making more than the other two guys... what were their names? Combined they post at about $115 Million each year, and they would be happy to part with $15 Million of that I'm sure. Come on just write a new hit and you'll make it back. Can you?
Jerry Seinfeld- the funny man pulls in the laughs and about $85 Million a year. There is some great material waiting for you in this mess we are in, but you need to pay first. Let's say $10 Million?
Jay-Z- from street hustler to bona-fide, this guy has made it... and made it big! He comes in the list at about $82 Million a year. Plus, he gets to spend his evenings with Beyonce... so he could probably kick in about $10 Million.
Beyonce Knowles- speaking of her, she is right behind her new husband with a cool $80 Million a year. I know that someone that pretty has to do a lot of upkeep, but I am sure she could spare $10 Million.
Will Smith- the fresh prince of America takes his spot on the list at $80 Million a year. If he kicked in $10 Million to help out he would barely have to lift a finger to get it back. Just don't put out another rap album...
Johnny Depp- creepy Johnny seems to excel at roles where other actors would not know what to do. And he gets paid well for his skill, about $72 Million a year. If he donated $8 Million to the cause, it would be helpful. Come on, just dress up like a pirate again and you'll make that up.
Simon Cowell- i'm not really sure if this Brit even lives in the U.S., but he has enough money to live wherever he wants. Mr. Mean comes in at about $72 Million a year. He has been breaking hearts and annoying the public for quite awhile now, if he donates $8 Million we can just call it an asshole tax.
Howard Stern- speaking of assholes, this one makes about $70 Million a year. Maybe he could soften up his image and donate $8 Million to the cause.. or do it anonymously, I don't care.
David Beckham- this Brit brings in about $50 Million each year, and gets to sleep with the weird but hot spice girl... well I only assume they sleep together. Since he works here, maybe he could "kick"-in $5 Million and if he wants to help bailout Great Britain as well all the better.
$489 Million so far!
Cameron Diaz- the always gleaming actress makes around $50 Million a year, that is a hell of a smile! Maybe she could donate $5 Million of it to a really good cause... saving our asses!
George Lucas- with the latest Star Wars & Indiana Jones movies pretty much sucking... the man still rakes in about $50 Million a year. It might improve your fan base to give up $5 Million of it, but nothing will improve crappy CGI.
James Patterson- the hardworking author finds time to produce two books a year for his fans when others can't even produce one! No wonder he pulls down about $50 Million a year... we would like $5 Million, please.
David Letterman- despite working to get his people back to work faster than most during the tv strikes and his production company owning the rights to several other shows... this nighttime star still finds himself with the hours to do the Late Show and rake in about $45 Million a year. Not bad Dave, can we have $4 Million?
Michael Jordan- washed up basketball player... more like wise investment superstar. The guy hasn't played in years but brings in more money now than most of the NBA, a nice $45 Million each year! And we would love the king of air even more if he donated $4 Million of it.
Phil Mickelson- the world's second ranked golfer makes about $45 Million a year... I guess it is good to be almost king? Now fork over $4 Million.
Stephen King- speaking of Kings... this one-time school teacher turned prolific horror writer shocks the world into letting him make about $45 Million each year as well! The only thing that would be scarier than his books would be us paying off this stimulus package! $4 Million please.
Judge Judy Sheindlin- this tough talking lady brings in about $45 Million each year herself. It makes sense too, I mean would you want to negotiate with her? May we please have $4 Million, ma'am?
Leonardo DiCaprio- this guy has grown into a fairly good actor and is paid well for his dramas... about $45 Million a year. If he gave us $4 Million of that I might even "feel like I'm flying..."
$528 Million so far!
To be continued...
Here is a great way how... It's time to use our one remaining resource. Many notable (& wealthy) celebrities supported the ideas of hope and change during the campaign of our new leader. Now they can put their money (or rather the money we pay them) where their mouths are! While we are at it, let's start at the top!
J.K. Rowling- although she is a Brit, she has made a large portion of her money from Americans kids... and unfortunately some adults. She tops the list at a massive $300 Million a year! Maybe she could take less than half of that (a meager $140 Million) and donate to our cause...?
Oprah- although J.K. Rowling does make more than her, she is at the top of the American list with a wopping $275 Million a year. I'm sure she could donate some to the cause of her favorite politician... let's say $125 Million?
50 Cent- he has come a long way and would improve his image even more by bailing out the economy. He rakes in about $150 Million each year, maybe he could donate $45 Million to the cause? Think of all the publicity, think of all the little white suburban kids who will love you even more!
Jerry Bruckheimer- the famous producer of big-budget movies and tv crime dramas pulls down about $145 Million a year. I'm sure he could donate $40 Million and maybe he could get the movie rights?
Steven Spielberg- even though the latest Indiana Jones movie was pretty awful, the man still makes about $130 Million each year. Think of the blockbuster that he and Bruckheimer could make if they teamed up... "Economic Meltdown" the movie. We'll take $30 Million from him.
Tyler Perry- this guy makes about $125 Million a year from movies and television. That's enough to make me dress up like an old lady and try to act as well. I think even Madea could part with $25 Million to help us all out.
Tiger Woods- come on! You hit a little ball in a hole with a stick and still make over $115 Million a year! He could probably part with $15 Million of that to help us all out.
The Police- okay we all know that Sting has got to be making more than the other two guys... what were their names? Combined they post at about $115 Million each year, and they would be happy to part with $15 Million of that I'm sure. Come on just write a new hit and you'll make it back. Can you?
Jerry Seinfeld- the funny man pulls in the laughs and about $85 Million a year. There is some great material waiting for you in this mess we are in, but you need to pay first. Let's say $10 Million?
Jay-Z- from street hustler to bona-fide, this guy has made it... and made it big! He comes in the list at about $82 Million a year. Plus, he gets to spend his evenings with Beyonce... so he could probably kick in about $10 Million.
Beyonce Knowles- speaking of her, she is right behind her new husband with a cool $80 Million a year. I know that someone that pretty has to do a lot of upkeep, but I am sure she could spare $10 Million.
Will Smith- the fresh prince of America takes his spot on the list at $80 Million a year. If he kicked in $10 Million to help out he would barely have to lift a finger to get it back. Just don't put out another rap album...
Johnny Depp- creepy Johnny seems to excel at roles where other actors would not know what to do. And he gets paid well for his skill, about $72 Million a year. If he donated $8 Million to the cause, it would be helpful. Come on, just dress up like a pirate again and you'll make that up.
Simon Cowell- i'm not really sure if this Brit even lives in the U.S., but he has enough money to live wherever he wants. Mr. Mean comes in at about $72 Million a year. He has been breaking hearts and annoying the public for quite awhile now, if he donates $8 Million we can just call it an asshole tax.
Howard Stern- speaking of assholes, this one makes about $70 Million a year. Maybe he could soften up his image and donate $8 Million to the cause.. or do it anonymously, I don't care.
David Beckham- this Brit brings in about $50 Million each year, and gets to sleep with the weird but hot spice girl... well I only assume they sleep together. Since he works here, maybe he could "kick"-in $5 Million and if he wants to help bailout Great Britain as well all the better.
$489 Million so far!
Cameron Diaz- the always gleaming actress makes around $50 Million a year, that is a hell of a smile! Maybe she could donate $5 Million of it to a really good cause... saving our asses!
George Lucas- with the latest Star Wars & Indiana Jones movies pretty much sucking... the man still rakes in about $50 Million a year. It might improve your fan base to give up $5 Million of it, but nothing will improve crappy CGI.
James Patterson- the hardworking author finds time to produce two books a year for his fans when others can't even produce one! No wonder he pulls down about $50 Million a year... we would like $5 Million, please.
David Letterman- despite working to get his people back to work faster than most during the tv strikes and his production company owning the rights to several other shows... this nighttime star still finds himself with the hours to do the Late Show and rake in about $45 Million a year. Not bad Dave, can we have $4 Million?
Michael Jordan- washed up basketball player... more like wise investment superstar. The guy hasn't played in years but brings in more money now than most of the NBA, a nice $45 Million each year! And we would love the king of air even more if he donated $4 Million of it.
Phil Mickelson- the world's second ranked golfer makes about $45 Million a year... I guess it is good to be almost king? Now fork over $4 Million.
Stephen King- speaking of Kings... this one-time school teacher turned prolific horror writer shocks the world into letting him make about $45 Million each year as well! The only thing that would be scarier than his books would be us paying off this stimulus package! $4 Million please.
Judge Judy Sheindlin- this tough talking lady brings in about $45 Million each year herself. It makes sense too, I mean would you want to negotiate with her? May we please have $4 Million, ma'am?
Leonardo DiCaprio- this guy has grown into a fairly good actor and is paid well for his dramas... about $45 Million a year. If he gave us $4 Million of that I might even "feel like I'm flying..."
$528 Million so far!
To be continued...
american problems,
famous people,
state of the union,
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